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Web-Based Database

Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere for Linux HOWTO

Aylwin Lo

Tom Slee

Sybase Inc.


Revision History
Revision 1.0 2001-04-26 Revised by: al
First public release.

This HOWTO guides you through the installation of SQL Anywhere Studio 7.0.2 for Linux and the basic operation and administration of Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. New versions of this document
1.2. Content and Audience
1.3. Adaptive Server Anywhere features
1.4. Quirks
1.4.1. Alt and Function keys
1.5. What's a Relational Database?
1.5.1. Definition
1.5.2. Example
1.5.3. Primary and Foreign Keys
2. Requirements
2.1. System requirements
2.2. Supported distributions
3. Installation
3.1. Process
3.2. Distribution-specific considerations (for TurboLinux and Caldera)
3.3. Setting the Environment Variables
3.4. Where did it get installed?
4. Creating, Running and Connecting to Databases
4.1. Creating a database
4.1.1. Creating a database from the command prompt
4.1.2. Creating a database from Sybase Central
4.2. Running a database server and starting databases
4.2.1. Running the server as a daemon
4.3. Stopping the database server
4.4. Stopping databases
4.5. Connecting to a database
4.5.1. Connection strings
4.5.2. Connecting from Interactive SQL
4.5.3. Connecting via ODBC Setting up ODBC with Adaptive Server Anywhere About ODBC data sources Connecting to an ODBC data source
5. Backing up and Restoring a Database
5.1. Creating a Backup of the Database
5.1.1. Full vs. Incremental Backups
5.1.2. Online vs. Offline Backups
5.1.3. Server-side vs. Client-side Backups
5.1.4. How to make a backup From the command line From SQL From Sybase Central
5.2. Validating the database and its backup
5.3. Recovering the database
6. Managing a Database
6.1. Tables
6.1.1. Creating a Table
6.1.2. Making Alterations to Tables
6.2. Users, permissions, and authorities
6.2.1. User IDs Special user IDs Creating new user IDs
6.2.2. Permissions
6.2.3. Authorities RESOURCE authority DBA authority
6.2.4. Removing Users and Revoking Permissions
6.2.5. Changing Passwords
6.3. Making the database more secure
6.3.1. Increasing password security
6.3.2. Views, procedures, and triggers
6.3.3. Encrypting client/server communications
7. Where to get more information
8. Legalities and Acknowledgements
8.1. Copyright and Licenses
8.2. Names and Contacts
8.3. Acknowledgement

This resource is mirrored from the Linux Documentation Project. It was posted as a resource for all. Courtesy of Lightspoke: The web-based database company.

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