The following Linux HOWTOs are currently available:
Reading-List-HOWTO , The Linux Reading List HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2004 . Lists the books the author thinks are most valuable to a person trying to learn Unix (especially Linux) top to bottom.
RedHat-CD-HOWTO , Burning a RedHat CD HOWTO
Updated: Oct 2003 . How to make your own CDs from the Red Hat Linux distribution equivalent to the ones commercially available from Red Hat.
Remote-Boot , Linux Remote-Boot mini-HOWTO: Configuring Remote-Boot Workstations with Linux, DOS, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT
Updated: Feb 1999 . How to set up a very robust and secure server-based configuration for a cluster of PCs, allowing each client to choose at boot-time which operating system to run.
Remote-Bridging , Remote Bridging with IP Tunnels mini-HOWTO
Updated: May 2002 . Describes how to unite two separate ethernet LANs with an IP tunnel between them.
Remote-Serial-Console-HOWTO , Remote Serial Console HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2003 . Covers how to set up your hardware to use a serial console.
Remote-X-Apps , Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO
Updated: Dec 2001 . How to run remote X applications.
Root-RAID-HOWTO , Root RAID HOWTO cookbook
Updated: Jul 2000 . This document only applies to the OLD raidtools, versions 0.50 and under. The workarounds and solutions addressed in this HOWTO have largely been made obsolete by the vast improvment in the 0.90 raidtools and accompanying kernel patch to the 2.0.37, 2.2x and 2.3x series kernels. You may find the detailed descriptions useful, particularly if you plan to run root raid or use initrd.
original description: A cookbook for creating a root mounted raid filesystem and companion fallback rescue system using linux initrd. Step-by-step instructions for both raid1 and raid5 md0 devices.
Updated: Nov 1999 . RPM is the RPM Package Manager. It is an open packaging system available for anyone to use. It allows users to take source code for new software and package it into source and binary form such that binaries can be easily installed and tracked and source can be rebuilt easily. It also maintains a database of all packages and their files that can be used for verifying packages and querying for information about files and/or packages.
RPM-for-Unix-HOWTO , RPM-for-Unix HOW-TO
Removed: November 2003 . This HOWTO has been removed for review.
Updated: Aug 2002 . RTLinux Installation and writing realtime programs in Linux.
Samba-Authenticated-Gateway-HOWTO , Samba Authenticated Gateway HOWTO
Updated: May 2004 . How to build a Firewall/Gateway with rules set on user basis having the users authenticated by a Samba Primary Domain Controller.
Sat-HOWTO , Sat (Satellite Technology) HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2002 . Investigates "State of Art" Sat connections in a Linux environment; how to get them faster and how to share them with many clients.
Saving-Space , Saving Space mini-HOWTO
Updated: Apr 1999 . Directions for squeezing your Linux installation into the least possible space. Particularly aimed at notebook users.
Scanner-HOWTO , The Scanner HOWTO
Updated: May 2004 . Documents the steps necessary for access and use of a photographic scanner device on a system running Linux.
Scientific-Computing-with-GNU-Linux , Scientific Computing with Free GNU/Linux Software HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2004 . Aims to show how a PC running GNU/Linux can be used for scientific computing. It lists the various available free software and also links on the world wide web to tutorials on getting started with the tools.
Scripting-GUI-TclTk , Scripting Graphical Commands with Tcl/Tk Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2003 . This article provides an introduction to building graphical user interface frontends for command-line utilities using Tcl and the Tk toolkit.
SCSI-2.4-HOWTO , The Linux 2.4 SCSI subsystem HOWTO
Updated: May 2003 . Describes the SCSI subsystem as the Linux kernel enters the 2.4 production series. An external view of the SCSI subsystem is the main theme. Material is included to help the system administration of the Linux SCSI subsystem.
SCSI-Generic-HOWTO , The Linux SCSI Generic (sg) HOWTO
Updated: May 2002 . Describes the SCSI Generic driver (sg) found in the Linux 2.4 production series of kernels. Focuses on the interface and characteristics of the driver that application writers may need to know.
SCSI-Programming-HOWTO , The Linux SCSI programming HOWTO
Archived - Last Update: May 1996
. Deals with programming the Linux generic SCSI interface.
Check the SCSI-Generic-HOWTO for more current information.
Secure-CVS-Pserver , Secure CVS Pserver Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2003 . Will help you set up a more secure CVS Pserver for anonymous CVS access.
Secure-POP+SSH , Secure POP via SSH mini-HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1998 . How to set up secure POP connections using ssh.
Secure-Programs-HOWTO , Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2003 . Provides a set of design and implementation guidelines for writing secure programs for Linux and Unix systems.
Security-HOWTO , Linux Security HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2004 . A general overview of security issues that face the administrator of Linux systems.
Security-Quickstart-HOWTO , Security Quick-Start HOWTO for Linux
Updated: Jul 2002 . An overview of the basic steps required to secure a Linux installation from intrusion.
Security-Quickstart-Redhat-HOWTO , Security Quick-Start HOWTO for Redhat Linux
Updated: Jul 2002 . An overview of the basic steps required to secure a Linux installation from intrusion ( Redhat specific version ).
Sendmail-Address-Rewrite , sendmail address rewriting mini-HOWTO
Updated: May 1998 . A brief description of how to set up sendmail's configuration file for the home user's dial-up access.
Sendmail+UUCP , Sendmail+UUCP HOWTO
Updated: May 1998 . How to setup a single machine with no direct access to the internet to route mail for you via sendmail and UUCP to a 'smarter host' (eg. your ISP).
Sentry-Firewall-CD-HOWTO , Sentry Firewall CD HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2003 . An introduction on how the Sentry Firewall CDROM works and how to get started using the system.
Serbian-HOWTO , Serbian HOWTO
Updated: Nov 1998 . Addresses Linux localization issues specific to Serbian users (written in Serbian).
Serial-HOWTO , Serial HOWTO
Updated: Dec 2003 . Describes serial port features other than those which should be covered by other HOWTOs. Lists information on multiport serial cards and contains detailed technical information about the serial port itself.
Serial-Laplink-HOWTO , Serial Laplink HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2001 . Details how to setup a “laplink” connection between two computers.
Serial-Programming-HOWTO , Serial Programming HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2001 . How to program communications with devices over a serial port on a Linux box.
Shadow-Password-HOWTO , Linux Shadow Password HOWTO
Updated: Apr 1996 . How to obtain, install, and configure the Linux password Shadow Suite.
SLIP-PPP-Emulator , SLIP/PPP Emulator mini-HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2001 . Describes how to get your Linux box to connect to a generic site via a SLIP/PPP emulator, such as SLiRP or TIA.
Slovak-HOWTO , Slovak HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2002 . Addresses Linux localization issues specific to Slovakian users (written in Slovak).
Slovenian-HOWTO , Slovenian HOWTO
Updated: Feb 1999 . Addresses Linux localization issues specific to Slovenian users (written in Slovenian).
Small-Memory , Small Memory Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Dec 2000 . How to run Linux on a system with a small amount of memory.
Smart-Card-HOWTO , Smart Card HOWTO
Updated: Sep 2001 . Information on smart card technology and its applications in Linux environment.
Updated: Apr 2000 . How to use the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, also called the Session Message Block, NetBIOS or LanManager protocol, with Linux using Samba.
Updated: Jul 2002 . Reviews main issues related to SMP configuration under Linux.
Snort-Statistics-HOWTO , Snort-Setup for Statistics HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2002 . Describes how to configure Snort version 1.8.3 to be used in conjunction with the statistical tools ACID (Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases) and SnortSnarf.
Software-Building-HOWTO , Building and Installing Software Packages for Linux
Updated: Jul 1999 . A comprehensive guide to building and installing "generic" UNIX software distributions under Linux.
Software-Proj-Mgmt-HOWTO , Free Software Project Management HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2002 . A guide to the non-technical aspects of free software project the non-technical aspects of free software project management; and was written to be a crash course in the people skills that aren't taught to commercial coders but that can make or break a free software project.
Software-RAID-HOWTO , Software-RAID HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2004 . How to use Software RAID under Linux. It addresses a specific version of the Software RAID layer, namely the 0.90 RAID layer made by Ingo Molnar and others. This is the RAID layer that will be standard in Linux-2.4, and it is the version that is also used by Linux-2.2 kernels shipped from some vendors. The 0.90 RAID support is available as patches to Linux-2.0 and Linux-2.2, and is by many considered far more stable that the older RAID support already in those kernels.
Software-RAID-0.4x-HOWTO , Software-RAID HOWTO (earlier implementation)
Updated: Nov 1998 . How to use Software RAID under Linux. RAID stands for "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks". For users of the Linux MD kernel extension, the associated tools, and their use. This HOWTO addresses an earlier implementation.
Software-Release-Practice-HOWTO , Software Release Practice HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2002 . Describes good release practices for Linux open-source projects.
Sound-HOWTO , The Linux Sound HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2001 . Describes sound support for Linux (hardware, configuration, etc).
Soundblaster-AWE , Sound Blaster AWE 32/64 HOWTO
Updated: Jan 1998 . How to install and configure a Sound Blaster 32 (SB AWE 32, SB AWE 64) card from Creative Labs in a Linux System using the AWE Sound Driver Extension written by Takashi Iwai.
Sound-Playing-HOWTO , The Linux Sound Playing HOWTO
Updated: Aug 1998 . Lists applications for Linux that play various sound formats.
Spanish-HOWTO , Spanish Linux HOWTO
Updated: Aug 1996 . Contains information on Linux in the Spanish environment, for developing software with Spanish support or how to get in touch with the Linux community in Spain (written in Spanish).
Updated: Aug 2004 . Describes Linux on SPARC-based workstations.
Speech-Recognition-HOWTO , Speech Recognition HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2002 . Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) on Linux is becoming easier. Several packages are available for users as well as developers. This document describes the basics of speech recognition and describes some of the available software.
Updated: Jun 2004 . Describes the usage of SquashFS - a highly-compressed file system for Linux, which is intended for use in tiny/embedded Linux systems, as well as for read-only archiving and general in-file system compression.
Updated: Nov 2000 . Describes how to boot Linux/Alpha using the SRM console, which is the console firmware also used to boot Compaq Tru64 Unix (also known as Digital Unix and OSF/1) and OpenVMS.
SSI-UML-HOWTO , Creating SSI Clusters Using UML HOWTO
Updated: May 2002 . A description of how to create a Single System Image (SSI) cluster of virtual User-Mode Linux (UML) machines.
SSL-Certificates-HOWTO , SSL Certificates HOWTO
Updated: Oct 2002 . How to manage a certificate authority (CA), and issue or sign certificates to be used for secure web, secure e-mail, or signing code and other usages.
SSL-RedHat-HOWTO , Building a Secure RedHat Apache Server HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2001 . Explains how PKI and SSL work together. It is essential to understand how the SSL protocol works to successfully deploy a secure server.
StarOffice , StarOffice 3.1 Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Nov 1999 . Information on installing the StarOffice 3.1 Office Suite by StarDivision.
Swap-Space , Linux Swap Space Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Dec 2002 . How to share your Linux swap partition with Windows.
Sybase-ASA-HOWTO , Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere for Linux HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2001 . Guides you through the installation of SQL Anywhere Studio 7.0.2 for Linux and the basic operation and administration of Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.
Sybase-ASE-HOWTO , Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise / SQL Server HOWTO
Updated: Sep 2003 . Describes installation and configuration of Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (formerly known as SQL Server) relational database server on the Linux platform, together with basic usage.
Sybase-PHP-Apache , Sybase-PHP-Apache mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2001 . Explains how to set up a Linux machine to run an Apache web server using PHP to access a Sybase-ASE database.
Tamil-Linux-HOWTO , Tamil Linux HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2003 . Helps you to set up a working Tamil Linux environment. It describes setting up fonts, keyboard drivers, editing and printing Tamil/bilingual documents, and working with the X Window system.
Tango-HOWTO , Tango 2000 HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2000 . Describes the installation, configuration, and basic troubleshooting of Pervasive Software's Tango Application Server on Sun Solaris and various flavours of Linux.
TclTk-HOWTO , The Linux Tcl and Tk HOWTO
Updated: Nov 1998 . Describes the Linux approach to Tcl, a scripting language.
Term-Firewall , Using Term to Pierce an Internet Firewall
Archived - Last Update: Jul 1996
. Directions for using ``term'' to do network stuff through a TCP firewall that you're not supposed to be able to.
TeTeX-HOWTO , The teTeX HOWTO: The Linux-teTeX Local Guide
Updated: Nov 1998 . Covers the basic installation and usage of the teTeX TeX and LaTeX implementation, plus auxiliary packages like Ghostscript.
Text-Terminal-HOWTO , Text-Terminal HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2004 . Explains what text terminals are, how they work, how to install and configure them, and provides some info on how to repair them.
Thai-HOWTO , The Linux Thai HOWTO
Updated: Aug 1998 . How to use Thai language with Linux. This will cover setting Thai fonts, Thai keyboard and some Thai applications.
Thinclient-HOWTO , Thin Client: New User Guide
Updated: Nov 1999 . How to turn inexpensive legacy computers into fast terminals.
TimePrecision-HOWTO , Managing Accurate Date and Time HOWTO
Updated: Jul 2004 . Explains the time mechanisms on Linux, what are time zones, and precision with NTP.
Tips-HOWTO , The Linux Tips HOWTO
Updated: Jun 1998 . Contains those hard to find hints and tweekings that make Linux a bit nicer.
TkRat , TkRat mini-HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1999 . Geared toward anyone interested in using their Linux computer to send and receive Internet E-Mail.
Token-Ring , Token-Ring mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2002 . Designed to help you get up and running using a Token Ring adaptor to access the network.
Traffic-Control-HOWTO , Traffic Control HOWTO
Updated: Nov 2003 . Traffic control encompasses the sets of mechanisms and operations by which packets are queued for transmission/reception on a network interface. This HOWTO provides an introduction and overview of the capabilities and implementation of traffic control under Linux.
Traffic-Control-tcng-HTB-HOWTO , Traffic Control using tcng and HTB HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2003 . A brief tutorial on using tcng (Traffic Control Next Generation) with HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) to perform traffic shaping on a Linux machine.
TransparentProxy , Transparent Proxy with Squid mini-HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2002 . Provides information on how to setup a transparent caching HTTP proxy server using only Linux and squid.
TT-Debian , TrueType Fonts in Debian mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2000 . How to configure a Debian system to use TrueType fonts for display and printing.
TT-XFree86 , TrueType Fonts with XFree86 4.0.x mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2004 . Describes how to use TrueType (*.ttf) fonts with XFree86 4.0.x.
Turkish-HOWTO , Turkish HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1999 . Addresses Linux localization issues specific to Turkish users (written in Turkish).
Ultra-DMA , The Linux Ultra-DMA Mini-Howto
Updated: Dec 2001 . How to use Ultra-DMA aka Ultra-ATA aka Ultra33 and Ultra66 hard drives and interfaces with Linux.
Updated: Dec 2001 . Explains how to use Umsdos (a linux file system) in different configurations, and its operation.
Unicode-HOWTO , The Unicode HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2001 . How to change your Linux system so it uses UTF-8 as text encoding.
Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO , The Unix and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2004 . Describes the working basics of PC-class computers, Unix-like operating systems, and the Internet in non-technical language.
Unix-Hardware-Buyer-HOWTO , The Unix Hardware Buyer HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2004 . This is your one-stop resource for information about how to buy and configure Intel hardware for cheap, powerful Unix systems.
Update , The Staying Updated mini-HOWTO
Updated: May 2002 . How to stay updated and abreast of the development that takes place in the Linux world of development.
Upgrade , Upgrading Your Linux Distribution mini-HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2002 . Hints and tips on upgrading from one linux distribution to another.
Updated: Feb 2004 . Teaches you things you need to know to select a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) intelligently and make it work with your open-source operating system.
USB-Digital-Camera-HOWTO , USB Digital Camera HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2002 . Intended for the new Linux user who already has a camera with Universal Serial Bus (USB) mass storage capabilities or wants to buy one.
Usenet-News-HOWTO , Usenet News HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2002 . A complete HOWTO on Usenet news.
User-Authentication-HOWTO , User Authentication HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2003 . Explains how user and group information is stored and how users are authenticated on a Linux system (PAM), and how to secure you system's user authentication.
User-Group-HOWTO , Linux User Group HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2004 . A guide to founding, maintaining, and growing a Linux User Group.
Updated: Dec 2001 . Describes the setup, care & feeding of UUCP under Linux.
VAIO+Linux , Linux on Sony VAIO mini-HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1998 . This document explains installation of Linux on Sony VAIO computers.
Valgrind-HOWTO , Valgrind HOWTO
Updated: Sep 2002 . A guide to Valgrind, the malloc debugger.
Updated: Aug 1999 . Contains a listing of service companies which do not manufacture hardware or create packaged software, but add value to existing products.
VB6-to-Tcl , VB6 To Tcl mini-HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2003 . A 15 Minute Tcl Tour For Visual Basic and VBScript Programmers.
VCR-HOWTO , VCR-HOWTO - Using your GNU/Linux computer as a VCR
Updated: Jul 2001 . A guide to setting up your GNU/Linux workstation as a digital VCR using the video4linux driver and a supported tuner card.
Updated: Sep 2003 . Describes how to use the complete VideoLAN streaming solution.
Vim-HOWTO , Vim Color Editor HOWTO (Vi Improved w/syntax color highlighting)
Removed: November 2003 . This HOWTO has been removed for review.
Virtual-Services-HOWTO , Virtual Services HOWTO
Updated: Aug 1998 . How to virtualize a service.
Virtual-Web , Virtual Web mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2001 . Discuss the essentials of setting up a Virtual Web Site under Linux.
Visual-Bell , Visible bell mini-Howto
Updated: Dec 2001 . How to use termcap to configure a visual bell on one's system and describes how to disable audible bells on demand.
Updated: Apr 2000 . Explains how to setup VMailMgr to support pop3 virtual domain services in conjunction with Qmail.
Updated: Feb 2002 . Shows the embedded system community how to run Linux on their VMEbus Pentium and other PCI local bus based VMEbus processor designs.
VMS-to-Linux-HOWTO , From VMS to Linux HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1999 . Aimed at all those who have been using VMS and now need or want to switch to Linux.
Updated: Aug 2002 . Voice Over IP is a new communication means that let you telephone with Internet at almost null cost. This document covers how this is done.
Updated: May 2002 . How to set up a Virtual Private Network with Linux.
Archived - Last Update: Dec 2001
. See the
VPN-Masquerade-HOWTO , Linux VPN Masquerade HOWTO
Updated: Oct 2000 . How to configure a Linux firewall to masquerade IPsec- and PPTP-based Virtual Private Network traffic, allowing you to establish a VPN connection without losing the security and flexibility of your Linux firewall's internet connection and allowing you to make available a VPN server that does not have a registered internet IP address.
Wacom-Tablet-HOWTO , Wacom Tablet HOWTO
Updated: Aug 2001 . Installation of (not only) Wacom graphic tablets under linux and/or xfree86.
Wacom-USB-mini-HOWTO , Wacom Graphire USB Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2000 . How to setup a Wacom Graphire USB tablet for use with Linux.
Wearable-HOWTO , Wearable HOWTO
Updated: Nov 2000 . Nomadism is one of the major trends of our society, now most of the people can work with a laptop computer, but few did the next step: to live, or if you prefer to wear one computer - that is a wearable.
Web-Browsing-Behind-ISA-Server-HOWTO , Web Browsing Behind ISA Server HOWTO
Updated: May 2003 . If you are using a Linux box connected to a Windows-based ISA server, this article will help you in set things up so you can browse the web from your Linux machine.
Webcam-HOWTO , The Webcam HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2004 . Assists the reader in the steps necessary to configure and use a webcam within the Linux operating system.
WikiText-HOWTO , LDP WikiText Editing HOWTO
Updated: Jan 2002 . Explains how to use the LDP WikiText editing format to create DocBook documents for the LDP.
Windows-LAN-Server-HOWTO , Windows LAN server HOW-TO
Updated: Mar 2003 . Intended to assist those who wish to consider Linux as a server within an office environment which has PC's primarily running Microsoft Windows 9x.
Windows-Newsreaders-under-Linux-HOWTO , Windows Newsreaders under Linux HOWTO
Updated: Feb 2004 . Describes how to set up and use several different Windows Usenet newsreaders under the Linux operating system using the Wine "emulator."
Winmodems-and-Linux-HOWTO , Winmodems-and-Linux HOWTO
Updated: Apr 2001 . Helps users get a Winmodem working under Linux.
Wireless-HOWTO , Wireless HOWTO for Linux Systems
Updated: Jul 2002 . Document explains how to setup Wireless in Linux, compatibility problems, something about geographic requirements and more.
Wireless-Link-sys-WPC11 , Link-sys WPC11 Mini-HOWTO
Updated: Jun 2004 . How to set up a Wireless Link-Sys WPC11 card using a Link-SYS Wireless Access Point/DSL/Switch on a Debian system.
Wireless-Sync-HOWTO , Wireless Sync HOWTO
Updated: Mar 2002 . Explains how to perform a wireless, network sync between a Handspring Visor and jpilot or jpilot-sync.
WordPerfect , WordPerfect Mini-howto
Updated: Aug 1997 . Discusses running WordPerfect on Linux, including a brief discussion on the WordPerfect 7.0 beta.
Updated: Aug 1999 . Information about setting up WWW services under Linux (both server and client).
WWW-mSQL-HOWTO , A mSQL and perl Web Server HOWTO
Updated: Sep 1997 . How to build a SQL client/server database using WWW and HTML for the user interface.
X-Big-Cursor , X11-big-cursor mini-HOWTO
Updated: Aug 1997 . How to use enlarged mouse cursors with the X window system.
Updated: Jan 2003 . How to setup XDMCP ("X Display Manager Control Protocol").
XDM-Xterm , XDM and X Terminal mini-HOWTO
Updated: May 2002 . Describes the basic ideas for using XDM to manage X terminals. It is not meant to be a comprehensive discussion of all the features of XDM, but a gentle introduction to what XDM can to for X terminals.
XFree86-HOWTO , The Linux XFree86 HOWTO
Updated: Sep 2001 . How to obtain, install, and configure version 4.0 of the XFree86 version of the X Window System (X11R6) for Linux systems.